Chelsea's Motorvational Mondays October 7, 2019

"The Final Quarter is Here."

Yes, the final quarter of 2019 is here. December 31st, the first week of January, I'm sure you set off to light the world on fire, and have you followed through? Have you completed some of those goals? Some may have, some may have not, but whether you did or didn't, there's still a quarter left. 

There's no reason to wait until January 1st, 2020 to reset your goals. You have three months to finish off anything you want to do, complete it in 2019 and make it your journey. You don't have to talk about the first three quarters if you didn't do great. You talk about the last quarter. 

Just finish the year strong with your goals, your growth in life, your positivity, and I hope you Have a Huggable Week.